Green Tech EcoCenter blessing

The famous healing priest and good family friend, Father Fernando Suarez, dropped by our Green Tech EcoCenter to say Hi. He was in Puerto Princesa to do a tennis tournament for the prisoners at Iwahig Prison without Bars. We asked him to bless our establishment even though he wasn't really prepared, since it was just an impromtu visit, but he did perform an informal blessing of the center and all of the electric motorcycles and vehicles on the lot!

We had business guests from Manila, the makers of the fabulous Electric Jeepney, Rommel Juan and Bong Cruz and they were able to meet Father for the first time. Their E-jeep is now plying the roads of Makati and other cities in the Philippines to help cut carbon emmissions. Thousands of people die of bronchial disease every year in Manila from breathing the air pollution caused by the gas belching vehicles.

The city of Puerto Princesa bought one of their electric jeepneys which is housed and dispatched from our Green Tech EcoCenter. Dave and I have been testing it and using it in the city's various parades to educate the public about electric vehicles and their benefits.

Rommel Juan of Electric Jeepney Philippines with Father Fernando Suarez

Front left to right: Rommel Juan, Mayor Edward Hagedorn Back left to right: Bong Cruz and Diana Limjoco of Green Tech EcoCenter, Puerto Princesa, Palawan

Our Excecutive Assistant Ramon Manzano III, withMayor Hagedorn. The mayor is a pioneer in researching and using electric Trikes and is trying to replace all of the gas belching tricycles on the roads now with electric versions. Dave Dewbre has been developing a few models to test on the roads of Puerto Princesa.

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